The Complete Moral Epistles of Seneca
Lucius Annaeus Seneca used his life experiences to develop a humanistic form of Stoic ethics that offers a pragmatic program of moral improvement for those seeking tranquility of spirit during difficult times. Nowhere is this philosophy better developed than in his Moral Epistles—a collection of 124 letters he wrote to a young friend that have provided inspiration to readers for almost two thousand years. ISBN: 9798500396393 |
A Critical History of Greek Philosophy
A reissuing of W.T. Stace's comprehensive history of Greek thought from Thales to the Neo-Platonist. Accessible to the new-comer to the discipline of philosophy, this work also contains invaluable insights on all of the major thinkers of antiquity that makes it an essential resource for all those seeking greater understanding of this critical period in Western philosophy. ISBN: 9781505854879 |
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Minds
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Minds is written specifically for newcomers to the field of philosophy. Focusing on what is arguably the most important issue in philosophy—the problem of human happiness—the text examines the ideas of the most influential thinkers of the ancient world to discover what enduring wisdom they can impart about the nature and realization of happiness to modern readers like ourselves. ISBN: 9781463561291 |
Study Guide to Plato’s Republic
Plato’s Republic is generally regarded as the most important and influential work in the history of philosophy. It is also fairly difficult reading for those lacking philosophical training and an understanding of classical Greek culture and history. The study guide seeks to remedy this problem by providing introductory materials and commentary to aid newcomers to Plato's classic philosophical work. ISBN: 9781475283044 |
The Art of Persuasion: Classical Rhetoric for Modern Communicators
The Art of Persuasion offers students an accessible and pragmatic approach to the study of classical rhetoric. Designed for those with little or no background in rhetorical theory, the text uses selections from some of the greatest thinkers of antiquity to provide a comprehensive overview of the subject matter of rhetoric for contemporary audiences. ISBN: 9781468107074 |
A History of Ancient Philosophy
Frederick Mayer's A History of Ancient Philosophy focuses on the development of philosophical thought in Greece and Rome during what is known as the classical period-that is from the dawn of civilization in Greece until the Fall of the Roman Empire in the West in 476 A.D. Using ample selections from primary sources, Mayer skillfully presents the major philosophical developments of this period as well as the dynamic interplay and tensions among the great philosophers of the ancient world. ISBN: 9781548608613 |